October '09
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us"
From the Lord's Prayer Forgiveness is about surrendering to God ~ receiving His mercy when we repent for our sins (past and present), and giving completely to Him those circumstances & people who need forgiveness from us.
God knows us and He knows our needs. He "remembers that we are dust" and His Son Jesus died to take all the pain we have and possibly could carry. God wants us to choose His way and confess to him our faults and weaknesses, then receiving help and a way forward from Him. |
The prophet Ezekiel spoke life into old bones (read his story in Ezekiel 37:5 ) & when we 'come clean' with God He can breathe new life in us and help us in His way and guide our paths.
Why not take a moment to confess any sins to God and ask for grace to forgive any who may have hurt you. We can then pray like David:
"Create in me a pure heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me..restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me"
Psalm 51:10,12
Why not take a moment to confess any sins to God and ask for grace to forgive any who may have hurt you. We can then pray like David:
"Create in me a pure heart, O Lord, and renew a steadfast spirit within me..restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me"
Psalm 51:10,12
"O let the son of God enfold you, with His spirit and His love
let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul
O let him have the things that hold you and His spirit like a dove
will descend upon your life and make you whole
Jesus, Jesus, come and fill your lambs
Jesus, Jesus, come and fill your lambs"
(extract from a song by J. Wimber)
"When we pray, truth and reality can flower within us"
Rowan Williams
let Him fill your heart and satisfy your soul
O let him have the things that hold you and His spirit like a dove
will descend upon your life and make you whole
Jesus, Jesus, come and fill your lambs
Jesus, Jesus, come and fill your lambs"
(extract from a song by J. Wimber)
"When we pray, truth and reality can flower within us"
Rowan Williams
Welcome to Heart to the Lord.com
Here you will find help and information to encourage your Life with God*
I trust you will enjoy browsing and pray you will be inspired to "seek the Lord with all your heart"
Here you will find help and information to encourage your Life with God*
I trust you will enjoy browsing and pray you will be inspired to "seek the Lord with all your heart"