May 2024
"He has shown you, o mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you ? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God" Micah 6:8 ..
The Christian life constitutes prayer, bible reading, faith, loving neighbours .. whoever they may be. (Matthew 19:17, Philippians 4:6, Acts 20 32-35) This can be difficult - but the daily bread, light and power of God are enough for salvation (Romans 1:16, 1Peter 1 3-25) - a continual process we can put into practice wherever we are.
Opposition may come from the world - as well as from within ourselves. (John 16:33, 2Corinthians 10 3-5, Hebrew 3;12 1 Peter 2 11-17) our Cross must be carried (Mark 8 34-38, 1Peter 4 1-11) & we must listen carefully to the world around. (Luke 21)
Jesus is our main example & nothing in our life experience will surprise God. (Luke 12 4-7, 1Corinthians 2:9, Romans 9:20) Our character will develop through responding well to difficulty and knowledge of God will enable us to overcome. (Romans 5 1-4, Romans 12:21)
*Conflict in the world & populations in distress are hard to see . 12-18th May is Christian Aid week - pls give as generously as you can.
Appreciate the natural world & Remember - we are aliens & strangers in a foreign world - this will not always be our home (Ephesians 2:11-22)- but we must be considerate of one another whllst we are here. (James 3;17, Titus 3)
Opposition may come from the world - as well as from within ourselves. (John 16:33, 2Corinthians 10 3-5, Hebrew 3;12 1 Peter 2 11-17) our Cross must be carried (Mark 8 34-38, 1Peter 4 1-11) & we must listen carefully to the world around. (Luke 21)
Jesus is our main example & nothing in our life experience will surprise God. (Luke 12 4-7, 1Corinthians 2:9, Romans 9:20) Our character will develop through responding well to difficulty and knowledge of God will enable us to overcome. (Romans 5 1-4, Romans 12:21)
*Conflict in the world & populations in distress are hard to see . 12-18th May is Christian Aid week - pls give as generously as you can.
Appreciate the natural world & Remember - we are aliens & strangers in a foreign world - this will not always be our home (Ephesians 2:11-22)- but we must be considerate of one another whllst we are here. (James 3;17, Titus 3)
Welcome to Heart to the
Here you will find help and information to encourage your Life with God*
I trust you will enjoy browsing and pray you will be inspired to "seek the Lord with all your heart"
Here you will find help and information to encourage your Life with God*
I trust you will enjoy browsing and pray you will be inspired to "seek the Lord with all your heart"